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Transition zone begins at 9100 feet on west slopes & is marked by [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] unusually fine growth of yellow pine where it has not been cut for lumber, as it has along the bottoms 5 miles up from Tierra Amarilla. The old stum,ps [[strikethrough]] gd [[/strikethrough]] show [[strikethrough]] s mark [[/strikethrough]] the site of what has been an unusually [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] good forest. Quersus gambeli also fills Transition zone & grows in extensive thickets over the slopes & ridges. Populus angustifolia extends up the streams to 8800 feet.

Along this side of the valley there seems to be little trace of Upper Sonoran zone. Helianthus annuus in the fields is almost the only representative plant.  There are no nut pines or junipers Yellow pine strips extend out into the sagebrush valley on rocky ridges. The crops are mainly oats, wheat, peas, hay, & garden vegetables. Fruit is freighted in from the railroad or packed up from Espanola.