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Water & vegetation are scarce & poor. The country has been sheeped to death, but there is lots of good yellow pine timber.

Upper Sonoran zone comes in on south slopes all along the Chama River valley but not far back except to the west where nut pine & juniper cover hot slopes clear to Boulder Lake. The rock is mainly sandstone which cuts out in flat topped mesas with sharp cliffs & steep slopes of talus coal crops out here & there between layers of shale.

Grass is good in places west of the Chama river but there are too many sheep which keep the ground bare over much of the country. No good water.

Lots of Cynomys gunnisoni, Thomomys & Citellus grammerus, a few Eutamias & numerous migrating birds.

Boulder Lake is a shallow pond of saturate(?) alkalie solution a mile long. The shores are wide & flat & muddy & look [[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] like snow.