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make a beautiful as well as graceful picture in the yellow firelight under a canopy of blue, [[strikethrough]] smoke  [[/strikethrough]] flame warmed smoke.

We staid for 2 hours & then went to camp & left them to dance out the night. We were the only white spectators - The few Mexicans were there to sell fruit, having come with wagons or burro packs from Espanola & the San Juan River valley. I noticed Utes & San Ildefonso & Santa Clara Pueblos in the audience but only the Jicarillas danced.

[[underline]] Sept. 16 [[/underline]] - Hunted & worked till noon, then loaded up & started for Lake la Jara - 7 miles due west. Followed up easy slope through yellow pine forest about 4 miles, over a low ^[[insertion]]ridge[[/insertion]] & then down an easy grade about 3 miles to the lake. The aneroid at starting read 7550 and at Lake La Jara the same but in going over the low ridge I did not realize that we were crossing the Continental Divide & did not read the