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[[underlined]] To Stinking Lake [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Sept. 25 [[/underlined]] - Found it was Sunday but had to go in to Tierra Amarilla for supplies & a new man. This took most of the day.

[[underlined]] Sept. 26 [[/underlined]] - Hunted up in the canyon in forenoon without much success. Packed up in P.M. & drove down to El Vado, then west to Stinking Spring Lake, about 7 or 8 miles. Aneroid at camp read 7200 on starting which was 400 feet higher than usual. The same at El Vado & 7700 at Stinking Lake. The Lake is probably not over 7500 feet.

Like Boulder & Horse lakes it is merely a basin in the summit of the divide. The rise east of the lake is probably [[strikethrough]] 40 [[/strikethrough]] 15 feet above its level, that to the west [[strikethrough]] a little [[/strikethrough]] ^[[several hundred feet]] higher. There are at least 3 outlying ponds beside the main lake & some of these are deep & permanent, with tules around shore. The main lake is probably 4 miles long, crooked & winding in 3 nearly separated bodies.