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yields good grama grass and such Upper Sonoran plants as Lycium pallidum, Sarcobatus, Atriplex canescens, Forestia neomexicana?, Sagebrush & Bigelovias with great abundance of Opuntia arborescens, O. engelmani [[gap]] no. 911, O. polycantha? and Yucca glauca. 
The little Mexican ranches along the river bottoms include only the patches easily put under irrigation. The high water has recently washed out many of the fields & covered corn & alfalfa with sand. The Chama river bed is so wide & flat & sandy there is little hope of forming reservoirs here, but enormous ones could be made in the canyon above. A good deal of adobe soil crops out in places & could be used for ditch & reservoir lining. 
At Abiquiu Mr. Grant who has the store took us into his orchard where some of the most luscious peaches & apples [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] I ever saw were still on the trees. His grapes & plums had all been gathered but he has proved what this soil & climate can do.