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[[underlined]] Taos Indian Numerals [[/underlined]]
(From Sun Elk - Manuel Mondrogon
(Tundle tu

1. Wáma
2. Wéena (wé éna)
3. Pahúa 
4. Weán
5. Punúa
6. Mátse
7. Tsú
8. Wheéle
9. Whéa
10. Tem
11. Te wama
12. Te weena
13. Te pahua
14. Te wean
15. Te punua
16. Te matse
17. Te tsu
18. Te wheele
19. Te shea
20  Weta
21  Wetawama
30  Pahua te
31  Pahua te wama
40  Wean te
41. Wean te wama
50. Punua te
51. Punua te wama
60. Matse te
61. "[[ditto for Matse te]] wama
70. Tsu te
71. [[ditto for Tsu te]] wama
80. Wheéle te
81. "[[ditto for Wheéle te]] wama
90. Whea te
91. [[ditto for Whea te]] wama
100. Te te
200. We te te
300. Pahua te te
400. Wean te te
500. Punua te te
1000 Te te te

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[[start page]]

rattlesnake  -  Pah tsu una  -
Lizard  -  Nah tu una  - Scalaporus graciosus
"[[ditto for Lizard]]  -  Pah tu' tsu la una  Cnemidophorus
Horn toad  -  Coa tslá ha la una
frog  -  Hue wa ta la una
Turtle  -  Tsa lú na  - Rattle box
Crotophylus baileyi, - Caéa tah' wa se ena -

Quita pean na na wa - Red earth Mtn.

Abies lasiocarpa or arizonica = Kui pah mu nah - means soft bark.
Picea englemani - Kui koa wa nah, bear bark spruce
Picea pungens - Pah kui wa nah = water spruce.
(Nah kú na - leaves of all colors)
(the man teaching his boys to dance. see photo)