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stubble fields being plowed. Apple orchards numerous and large and loaded with beautiful fruit. Apple trees very thrifty & healthy. Pear & peach orchards common but less extensive or thrifty than the apple. Some plum & cherry trees. Garden vegetables good.

After passing Aurora we descended rapidly to a small river valley & stopped half an hour at Monett, a small town in good farming district, hilly, timber largely scrub oak, black jack, over the ridges, and elms & maples along creeks. Corn fields & apple orchards predominating.

After crossing Grand River we saw the first pond of [[underlined]]Nelumbo luteum[[/underlined]], & beyond the river bottoms came to big prairie with such plants as Baptisia, Amorpha canescens, Petalostemon, Esclipiadora[[?]], and prairie grasses. The crops are mainly corn, wheat, & hay From this on to Oklahoma City the country is largely prairie with timber along the stream bottoms