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[[underline]] Sept. 6 [[/underline]] Took saddle horses & went about 10 miles south to top of Pelado Peak & back, crossing an arm of San Antonio Valley & returning through Valle Grande. This is a superb park like valley 4x5 miles in extent surrounded by high mountains & craters, well watered by numerous streams & springs, covered with luxuriant grass & not over stocked. It also seems to be mainly Canadian zone with a rim of Transition on the hot slopes. No one lives in it

Pelado Mountain is a great dome shaped crater 11200 feet high mainly covered with Canadian zone forest of spruces, aspens & firs. We found several streams on its sides, one starting at about 10500 feet. There are numerous grassy parks throughout the forest and the upper slopes of the mountain are well mixed with strips of timber & parks of luxuriant grass. Rock slides of broken lava cover extensive areas high up & the top is stony but covered with grass & trees