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[[underline]]Sept.13[[/underline]] - Followed down the Puerco ^[[insertion]] 3 or 4 miles [[/insertion]] and crossed at [[strikethrough]]San [[/strikethrough]] Salazar, then struck S.W. up a gradual slope and over a ridge, or point of the mesa of the Sierra Chivato and down to a Juan Tafoya creek a mile below the little town of the same name. Here we camped under a bunch of Quercus gambeli, just at the edge of Upper Sonoran & Transition zones, but among mainly Sonoran species.

[[underline]]Sept.14[[/underline]]. Rained a little in the night and kept showering all the forenoon but we packed up and went to Juan Tafoya & then on toward Laguna, through a gap in the mesa. Lunched by a rain tank out on open plains, there by following the directions of a man who did know the roads took the wrong one and missed Paju^[[insertion]]a [[/insertion]]ta & Cebolletita and struck the creek lower down, and camped on Cebolleta Creek. Came close to Mesa Giganta, which is all Upper Sonoran