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[[underline]]Sept.15[[/underline]]. Reached Laguna before noon and camped at edge of town to read mail and answer letters which took the most of day.

[[underline]]Sept.16[[/underline]]. Packed specimens all of forenoon & in P.M. went west a couple of miles up the valley and found a good place to camp on a clean salt grass meadow by an alkaline spring & flat. Brought good water from R.R. tank in town. Water horses at ditch halfway to river.

[[underline]]Sept.17&18[[/underline]]&,19 Remained at this camp writing reports, trapping and trying to catch up in back notes & work.

[[underline]]Sept.20[[/underline]] Loaded up with supplies & left Laguna at noon. Followed up valley to Cubero and then up to base of San Mateos 4 miles north of Cubero & camped where the creek comes out of canyon. Fine water & grass & plenty of wood.