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the sandstone formation below.

The Sierra Chivatos are a great lava field just east of the San Mateos & in part derived from them. Small craters over the surface of this plateau have also contributed to its formation. Its top is oak & yellow pine transition, heavily forested around the edges but largely open grassy plains in the central part where the lakes are.

The Central Canadian zone area of the mts. comes down to about 9000 feet on S.W. slopes and to 8000 feet on N.E. slopes. It is mainly forested with a dense growth of Picea pungens, Abies arizonica, Pseudotsuga, and Populus tremuloides and has abundance of willows and alders along the streams & Acer glabum in the forest. See note book for other plants. In places the forest has been burned & has come up to brush & aspens and considerable of the upper slopes are covered with fine grasses.