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Pueblo we saw [[underlined]]Eutamias[[/underlined]] probably [[underlined]]dorsalis[[/underlined]], as others were seen & killed not far beyond, and at the base of the cliff I killed a [[underlined]] Crotalus confluentis[[/underlined]]. Yesterday I also collected a Sceloporus & a little Uta in the valley near the Enchanted Mesa.

Continuing up the valley, in a branch of it to the south, we entered a wide canyon & a few miles up this turned up a fiendish road, steep & stony & long to the mesa top some 600 feet above the bottom. Had to unload & pack most of the baggage up on the horses & then had difficulty in getting the wagon up. Camped on the top of mesa as soon as we reached the top and were thankful for a hard shower that supplied our needs & prevented our making a very dry camp.

The mesa top is beautiful juniper country with abundance of gramma grass. The view oveer Acoma to the San Mateo Crater is superb.

[[image - sketch of the crater]]