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Returned to my house at 6 P.M. & got about 5 miles out onto the ridges when it got too dark to travel & I camped under a juniper tree till morning. Had no water since leaving Largo Canyon in the morning & went to sleep pretty thirsty. 

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Found no water in the mts. but they are covered [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] on the top & north slope with a heavy forest of Abies concolor, Pseudotsuga & aspens. On the south slope & north base with yellow pine and Quercus gambeli & Pseudocacia momexicana in open Transition zone forest. The south slopes of lower ridges & mesas are all upper Sonoran, nut pine, juniperus, monosperma & pachyphloea & Quercus griseas. 

Saw one blue grouse & signs of others in spruces high up & lots of Cyanocitta, but most of the migrants are on the move or gone. 

Saw 3 Odocoileus hemionus in Largo canyon & 2 O. conesi at 8500 on the mountain at the first aspens & lots of tracks of conesi above to peak. 

Saw some bear sign & a big silvertip is said to live in the gulch on this slope. Saw one Lepus puretis at 9000 feet & Sciurus mogollonensis is common in Canadian zone. S. aberti is common in transition. Eutamias quadrivittatus is common in Canadian & dorsalis in Uppersonoran zones & both occur in Transition. Citellus grammerus is

Transcription Notes:
Pseudocacia momexicana = Pseudoacacia mexicana