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[[underlined]] Oct.14. [[/underlined]] A cold night in canyon followed by hot day. Ice formed over 2 pails of water brought from river to get breakfast with. While eating breakfast a fine mule deer buck came down and drank out of the river close in front of us. We thought in the dim light it was a doe until it climbed the hill opposite & got out of range.

The [[strikethrough]]Tule[[/strikethrough]] San Fransisco Canyon reaches about 15 miles to Kelley's Ranch and is cut through lava flows most of the way with steep rough sides a few hundred to a thousand feet high. In one place I counted 22 flows, one above another The bottom is sandy with flats and points and stripes of good soil that carries various trees according to slope exposure. The bottom seems to be mainly Transition zone with abundance of Populus angustifolia, box elder, and some Pinus ponderosa & Quercus gambeli. Still the hot slopes and benches are intensely hot upper Sonoran with nut pines, junipers, blue oak, & yuccas & cactus.