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[[underlined]] Oct. 19 [[/underlined]]. Remained at camp in A.M. making out Sept. acct. & writing letters to go to Mogollon tomorrow. In P.M. went down to Forest Rangers cabins 4 miles below.

[[underlined]] Oct. 20 [[/underlined]]. Sent John to town for mail & supplies with pack horse & he did not get back till dark.

Went up on ridge and killed a little white tail deer and carried it down to camp on my back. It was an old doe & weighed dressed 41 lbs., or with head & hide just 50 lbs.

[[underlined]] Oct. 21 [[/underlined]]- Sunday. Snowed most all day, built a fireplace in old cabin just below camp in case we should need to move in on account of storm.

[[underlined]] Oct. 22 [[/underlined]]- Hunted all forenoon but saw only does & fawns which seem to be abundant. It snowed all of P.M. and added another inch on the ground.

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[[underlined]] Oct. 23 [[/underlined]]. Went up the peak that seemed to be the highest & that I supposed was Mogollon Peak but found on top a Sierra Club tube and scroll on which this was called "White water Baldy" (an evident misnomer as the peak is densely timbered & I can find no trace of any white water to name it from)  The peak is recorded on the scroll as 10950 feet high but my aneroid read 11000 & probably did not read too high. 
Another peak a few miles to the S & a little west is equally high and more massive while another 5 or 6 miles to the S.E. is possibly higher and may be the real Mogollon Peak.

In going up the peak I followed ridge on N.E. slope all the way through dense timber & got good zone notes  Saw a fine white tail buck ([[underlined]] [[cernsi?]] [[/underlined]]) but missed him.  Started a lot more deer but did not see them. Followed tracks readily on the 2 inches of fresh snow but the walking was noisy & the air very still so there was no chance to get onto deer. Followed a fresh panther track several miles until it turned south & then