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I left it. Found cottontail tracks up to 10000 feet but could [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] get sight of a rabbit. Saw no tracks of snowshoe rabbits or grouse or turkey Found the bones of a small bear that had been trapped but no skull.

Got back about 5 P.M. very tired as the walking was heavy. 

Next 4 days trapped around camp. 

[[underlined]] Oct. 28 [[/underlined]]. Took a horse & went S.E. to try and get on the highest peak in that direction but after crossing one deep canyon I found there were two more between me and the peak so gave up the trip as it would keep me out over night. Turned east thinking I would go down to the Gila (Middle Fork)and up it to camp, but it clouded up and began to rain so I struck back the nearest way to camp and got back at 5 P.M.

Accomplished very little, started lots of deer but saw only one ^[[insertion]] little [[/insertion]] white tail doe & did not want her. 

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[[underlined]] Oct. 29 [[/underlined]]. Monday. Sent John to cut several big trees out of the road so we could get back to Mogollon before a storm should box us up for the winter. Made up specimens in forenoon and in P.M. packed our outfit up to the wagons on top of ridge 500 feet about camp at 9000 feet so we could get an early start in the morning. It rained toward evening & snowed higher up. John got back to wagons at dark & had not cut all the trees out of road. 

Four prospectors came up the creek from the Gila with buro packs & from them we learned that Willow Creek is the main fork of the Middle Gila and not a branch. It begins as Willow Creek, is then called Gilita, then the Middle Fork.