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cabbage, cauliflower, beans, chili, corn and sugar cane. 

The zone of the valley is a mixture of Lower and Upper Sonoran. [[underlined]] The Lower Sonoran [[/underlined]] element is shown by abundance of mesquite on the south slopes, often 8 or 10 feet high and full of beans. That on the mesas & flat ground is usually dwarfed and without beans, 2 or 3 feet high, Catsclaw (Mimosa biuncifera?) is abundant & full of beans. A few Dasylirions are scattered over rocky south slopes, also Cereus (petyja?), Opuntia schottii & englemani, and Yucca radiosa. 
Phoradendron is abundant on Cottonwood live oaks and mesquite and full of beautiful ripe berries. The slender leaved Platinus is common along the streams and populus framonti has mainly replaced angustifolia. The Arizona walnut is abundant and very fruitful. 

Many species of Lower Sonoran mammals & birds are here. 
Reithrodontomys [[blank space]], Onychomys torridus, Neotoma (cumulatos?), Conepatus [[blank space]], 

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are common. 

Calipepla gambeli are abundant. Geococcyx is common. Dryobates bairdi has been seen twice. 

[[underlined]] Upper Sonoran [[/underlined]] dominates the valley however with nut pine, juniperus, monosperma & pachyphloea & Quercus grisea & emoryi covering north slopes flats & mesa tops generally; and Populus fremonti & a few angustifolia along the streams, also Alnus (trees), boxelder, ash, sapindus, Morus, Salix nigra & yellow willow. Both Rhus aromatica ^[[insertion]] (glabrons) and R. [[line]] (velvet leaf) ^[[insertion]] and Rhus glabra [[/insertion]] are common along banks and also Cowania, Ceanothus rigidus, Cercocarpus parvifolia. A large Guterrizia is the conspicuous open mesa plant. Nolina is [[abn?]]. [[insertion]] also yucca baccata & [[/insertion]]

Most of the species of birds & mammals are Upper Sonoran.