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[[underlined]] Hirshhorn Trustees Resolution of Appreciation
   and Gift of Securities [[/underlined]]

The Board of Trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden unanimously adopted the following resolution of appreciation in the Regents:

[[block indent]]  WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Joseph H. Hirshborn Museum and Sculpture garden is deeply appreciative of the action taken by the Board of Regents on January 16,  1978 in establishing a Collections Acquisitiion Program to enable the Museum to acquire important works of art that will add significantly to the quality and comprehensiveness of its collection and which would otherwise be beyond its available means to acquire; be it

RESOLVED that the Board hereby expresses its gratitude to the Board of Regents for its establishment of this Program and for its welcome encouragement of the Museum's effort to deepen and strengthen its collection. [[/block indent]]

A number of members of the Board of Trustees have given grants of funds to the Hirshhorn which will serve as matching funds for the acquisition program.  One of the gifts required approval of the Regents to accept restricted securities.  The following motion was approved:

[[block indent]] VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to accept a gift of restricted securities from Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lewis for the programs of the Hirshhorn Museum, and further authorizes the Secretary to take appropriate steps to sell said securities in full compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, in order to carry out the terms of the gift. [[/block indent]]

[[underlined]] Acquisition of Privately Owned Land at National Zoological Conservation and Research Centre in Front Royal, Virginia [[/underlined]]

A 52-acre privately owned enclave at the National Zoo Conservation and Research Center at Front Royal is sought to be purchased by the Smithsonian to avoid development of homesites adjacent to our preserve.  The various owners are amenable to selling and the Institution is requiring that certain conditions be met.  The Regents approved the following motion: