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Schedule B

Actual FY 1978
(Excluding SSIE & Foreign Currency Programs)


[[double underline]]
OPERATING FUNDS[[/double underline]]

Funds Provided [[single underline]]
Federal Appropriation
Gifts, Grants, & Contracts
Self-generated- Gross Rev:
 Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. E)
 Bureaux         (Sched. F)
Other Misc.
 Total Income
Less Expenses- Self Gener. 
 Auxiliary Acts  (Sched. E)
 Bureaux         (Sched. F)
Net Funds Provided

Funds Applied [[single underline]]: (Net of S-G Exps)
 History & Art
 Public Service
 Museum Programs
 Collect.Acq., Research, Educ.
 Support Activities
 Administration - Gross
   -Overhead Recovery
   - Other Allotments
Total Funds Applied

Transfers[[single underline]]: Out/In
 Current Funds-Teac/Coll, Reserve
  - Collect.Acq.,Research, Educ. 
  - Bureau Revenue Sharing
  - Other
 Plant Funds
 Endowment Funds.Reserves
   Total Transfers

Change in Fund Balances [[single underline]]

Ending Fund Balance [[single underline]]

  Construction Funds [[ single underline]]