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[[underlined]] National Museum of the Building Arts [[/underlined]]

S.J. Res. 160, a joint resolution to initiate preliminary studies for the restoration and renovation of the Pension Building in Washington, D.C. to house a Museum of the Building Arts, passed Congress on October 14, 1978. The resolution requires the following reports to be submitted to the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on Public Works and Transportation in the House of Representatives.

The Administrator of the General Services Administration is authorized and directed to prepare a survey of existing conditions...and to prepare drawings and preliminary cost estimates for the restoration and renovation of the Pension Building.

The Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts is requested to report the prospects for private funding of museum operations including an appraisal listing potential sources of financial support, together with a preliminary estimate of the amount of such support which might be reasonably anticipated.

The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution is directed to report the following:

- the potential for visitation at the proposed museum compared to Smithsonian museums and galleries.

- the potential for the interaction between the proposed museum and existing collections and programs at the Smithsonian.

- the proportion of total space required for inactive storage, study of collections, staff offices, and public/exhibition use.

- the value and approximate costs of providing facilities to accommodate food service, museum shops, computer service, and an auditorium, together with recommendations for optimum size and desirable features.