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[[image - drawing of the Smithsonian building]]

September 21, 1978

TO: Heads of organization units


The security of our vast collection of cultural treasures, artifacts, and scientific specimens continues to be a matter of deep concern to me, and I am certain all share this special interest. The necessity for having accurate inventories has been emphasized in the past as a major priority in the management of the Institution's collections.

Several of our museums already have achieved inventory control over their collections. However, it is essential that the collections in all our museums be brought under satisfactory inventory control and that collection inventories be coordinated on an Institution-wide basis. This Office Memorandum establishes a formal plan for conducting inventories, reporting results, and monitoring compliance.

[[signed]] S. Dillon Ripley [/signed]]
S. Dillon Ripley/

Retention: Indefinite
Filing Instructions: File this OM in numerical sequence with other current Office Memoranda.