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OM 804

(5) Action: As soon as possible, but no later than June 1, 1983, complete an initial comprehensive inventory of each collection according to the approved plan and procedure for that collection. Prepare a statistical report and provide copies to The Secretary; the Secretary's Executive Committee; the Director, Office of Protection Services; and the SI Registrar. Due Date: 6/1/83 

(6) Action: Conduct an additional comprehensive inventory of each collection during each inventory period specified in the approved plan for that collection. Prepare a statistical report and distribute it in accordance with 4a(5). Due Date: As approved 

(7) Action: Whenever an object is found to be missing and presumably lost or stolen, whether during the course of an inventory or otherwise, immediately notify the Director, Office of Protection Services by phone, and prepare a confidential written narrative report providing a detailed description of the object and one or more photographs of it, if available, with copies to The Secretary, cognizant member(s) of the Secretary's Executive Committee, the museum director, the museum registrar, the Director, Office of Protection Services, and the SI Registrar. Due Date: Immediately 

b. [[underlined]] SI Registrar's Office [[/underlined]]

(1) Action: Collect information on existing inventory systems in SI museums for distribution to SI museum directors and other interested SI personnel. Due Date: 9/30/78 

(2) Action: Design a format for statistical reports of inventory results and distribute the information through a supplement to this Office Memorandum. Due Date: 10/31/78 

(3) Action: Monitor compliance with policy, procedures, reports, and schedules. Due Date: Continuing