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Identical letter to all Smithsonian Regents -- except the Chancellor.

[[image - drawing of the Smithsonian]]
Washington, D.C. 20560 

June 20, 1979

You may recall that at the Board of Regents meeting on May 7, 1979, it was decided that a Regents' Personnel Committee would be appointed to review the financial disclosure forms of senior staff members of the Institution. This was predicated on the thought that although the Institution is not subject to the financial reporting requirements contained in the Ethics in Government Act (P.L. 95-521), the Institution would continue to maintain a financial disclosure system. The membership of the Personnel Committee is as follows:

Kenneth Rush, Chairman
George H. Mahon
Carlisle H. Humelsine

We have also established the Audit and Review Committee as a standing committee, with responsibilities described in Section 4.01 of the proposed drat of Bylaws, a copy of which is enclosed. The tasks of the Committee will be augmented from time to time with varying assignments. The membership of the Audit and Review Committee is as follows:

Senator Henry M. Jackson, Chairman
Senator Robert B. Morgan, Vice Chairman
Congressman Norman Y. Mineta
George H. Mahon, Regent Emeritus
Keneth Rush
David Acheson

I am pleased to say that Jim Webb will continue to lend his valued counsel and assistance to both Committees. 

With kind regards,

