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Museum Support Center, this budget reflects an actual increase of more than $23 million above the Institution's FY 1980 request of $145.0 million. Guidance received from OMB has specified an FY 1981 budget planning ceiling of $132.6 million. While budget requests above this target amount are allowable, the likelihood of their approval is significantly lessened. 

High priority is being placed in FY 1981 on the restoration and renovation of our buildings. Funds requested for this purpose, exclusive of repairs to facilities of the National Zoological Park, total $10.1 million--more than double our FY 1980 request. This request is needed to continue improvement of fire protection and security and handicapped access, and to perform a variety of urgent repairs and improvements, including restoration of the Renwick facade ($1.0 million) and continued renovation of the Arts & Industries Building ($2.0 million).

As referred to above, an amount of $1,250,000 is being sought to continue planning for development of the Quadrangle area, which we propose to match by an equal amount of Trust Funds set aside in FY 1979.

The recommended increase for Salaries & Expenses (S&E) is $15.5 million. Of this amount some $5.8 million is required for uncontrollable increases resulting from legislated pay costs, utilities costs increases, and overall inflation. An amount of $3.0 million is required for Museum Support Center related equipment and technicians, and $300,000 for STRI treaty-related costs. The balance of $6.4 million is for various program increases in the areas of exhibitions, research, collections management, education, administration, facilities management and protection.