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--[[underlined]] Nonappropriated Trust Funds [[/underlined]]: The preliminary budget for FY 1981 for [[underlined]] Unrestricted Trust Funds [[/underlined]] indicates moderate improvement in income over FY 1980 levels and a controlled increase in expenditures. Investment income will increase due to continued additions to endowment as well as a higher level of current funds available for short-term investment. Among the auxiliary activities, the impact of a membership rate increase for [[underlined]] Smithsonian [[/underlined]] Magazine will offset increasing costs and contribute an additional $200,000 to net gain, for a total magazine net gain of $5.7 million. Mail Order is expected to show a net gain of $100,000, compared to a loss in FY 1980, and Concession income will increase, primarily due to a planned parking rate increase for employees. Offsetting a portion of these increases will be the reduced gain from SI Press since a duplication of the financial success of the Abrams NASM book is not expected. Administrative and program allotments are being held at close to FY 1980 levels. As referred to above, the tax liability reserve is being increased to $1.0 million, in the event that taxes are due. Transfers for the Quadrangle ($1.0 million), Collections Acquisition, Scholarly Studies and Educational Outreach ($2.0 million), and Endowment ($2.0 million) are projected to continue at FY 1980 levels. In addition, the FY 1981 budget includes a $300,000 transfer to Chesapeake Bay Center Land Acquisition reserve fund, for the reasons stated above. 

The FY 1981 budget estimate for [[underlined]] Special Purpose [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Restricted Funds [[/underlined]] is substantially the same as for FY 1980, with no major program changes expected. By the end of FY 1981, the special purpose fund balance will exceed $13.0 million, which will include the tax liability