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Program Area and Estimated Costs*
May 7, 1979

[[4 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

Program | Net Sq. Ft. | Gross Sq. Ft. | Estimated Construction Cost

[[underlined]]Oriental Art[[/underlined]] | 62,740 | 78,425 | $13,411,000

[[underlined]]African Art[[underlined]] | 67,945 | 84,931 | $12,298,000

[[underlined]]Associates Offices & Education Center[[/underlined]] | 24,400 | 30,500 | $3,850,000

[[underlined]]Rare Book Library & Library Services[[/underlined]] | 25,520 | 31,900 | $4,640,000

[[underlined]]Underground Parking[[/underlined]] (408 Spaces) | 167,451 | 197,001 | $6,215,000

[[underlined]]Ancillary Space[[/underlined]] (light wells, central mechanical, loading dock & service area, etc.) |   | 36,455 | $5,888,000

[[underlined]]Landscaping & Sitework[[/underlined]] |   |   | $2,808,000

TOTALS | 348,056 | 459,212 | $49,110,000**

* These tentative estimates will be refined by engineering and architectural planning.

**Totals include pro-rated share of planning funds, including those authorized in P.L. 96-36. (H.R. 927).