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1. The Honorable Frank Moss, former United States Senator from Utah, and currently Chairman of the Museum's Board of Trustees.

2. The Honorable John B. Duncan, former Commissioner of the District of Columbia, former Chairman of the Museum's Board, and currently Vice Chairman.

3. The Honorable Robert Nooter, Deputy Director of the Agency for International Development, important collector of African art and Vice Chairman of the Museum's Board of Trustees.

4. The Honorable Franklin Williams, former Deputy Director of the Peace Corps, former U.S. Ambassador to Ghana, currently President of the Phelps-Stokes Fund and Vice Chairman of the Museum's Board of Trustees.

5. Mr. Thomas Schwab, Washington attorney, General Counsel for the Museum, one of original incorporators and Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

6. Professor David Driskell, Chairman, Department of Art, University of Maryland, member of Museum Board.

7. The Honorable S.I. Hayakawa, U.S. Senator from California, collector of African art, member of Museum Board.

8. Mrs. Frances Humphrey Howard, government official (HEW), one of earliest supporters of Museum in her own right, sister of the late Senator Humphrey, current member of Museum Board. 

9. Mr. Lee Branson, retired California manufacturer, major American collector of African art (collection shown at Museum), major patron of Museum, current member of Museum Board.

10. Mr. Carl Freeman, Washington builder, one of original patrons of Museum, current member of Museum Board.