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[[underlined]]Educational Outreach[[/underlined]]

$735,717   Previously awarded (p.p. 112-114 of proceedings of the May 1979 meeting of the Board of Regents).

$10,600    Office of Museum Programs
             Support for international symposium "Children in Museums".

$56,150    Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies
             Support for "Family Science Education" program to develop a series of family-centered education materials.

$34,260    National Museum of Natural History
             Van outreach program to reach groups of elderly and/or handicapped individuals; program of Saturday films and demonstrations at the Museum.

$15,100    National Zoological Park
             Instructional kits for teachers of kindergarten — second grade classes for the Elephant House and for the Bird House and its yards.

$15,700    National Museum of Natural History
             A ten-day training workshop for twelve director-curators of small museums of the North American Arctic from Greenland to Alaska.

$18,505    Joseph Henry Papers
             Support for the colloquium "The Muses Flee Hitler: Cultural Transfer and Adaption in the United States".

$15,065    Anacostia Neighborhood Museum
             Develop pre-tour and post-tour materials for secondary students and teachers focusing on the current exhibition "Out of Africa".

$98,903    Unallocated