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Institution's nonappropriated trust fund budget.  The federal appropriations and trust funds are distributed as follows:

[[5-column table]]
 | [[underlined]]FY 1979[[/underlined]]
 | [[underlined]]S&E | Trust Funds[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]Subgroups | Full-Time Employment | Funds ($000s) | Full-Time Employment | Funds ($000s)[[/underlined]]

Central Management Offices | 41 | $1,400 | 23 | $1,287
Special Administrative and Technical Offices | 208 | 5,779 | 145 | 3,544
Facilities Offices | 902 | 26,088 | 15 | 738

Totals | 1,151 | $33,267 | 183 | $5,569

[[underlined]]Unrestricted trust funds[[/underlined]] are allotted to the management and support units to provide an appropriate balance of federal appropriations and trust funds reflecting the services they provide.  Primarily these funds are used for personnel who perform assignments similar to those of staff paid from appropriated funds.  Several support units administer unrestricted trust funds for more specialized purposes.  The Office of Printing and Photographic Services receives income from the sale of photographic materials to the public.  The computer cost center of the Office of Computer Services and the audio-visual unit of the Office of Plant Services operate on a cost recovery basis by charging users for the services provided.

[[underlined]]Future Year Prospectus[[/underlined]]

Several years ago the Institution recognized that it had been in a period of substantial program growth and that the capability of many administrative and support services was seriously below the needs of the programs to be served.  Consequently, beginning in FY 1975, high priority was given to providing more adequate resources for these activities to bring their capabilities more nearly in line with program requirements.  This effort will continue over the five-year planning period with reviews of each support activity to determine the effectiveness of its management, organization, and procedures and adequacy of its staffing and financing.

No major changes to the activities or resource levels of the [[underlined]]central management offices[[/underlined]] are projected for the period of FY 1981-1985.  Increases to general workload occasioned by the operations of the Institution will be handled largely by the present staff and other resources of these offices.  These resources, consisting in FY 1979 of $2,687,000 in the appropriated and nonappropriated funds budgets and 64 positions are projected to increase to $3,189,000 and 68 positions by FY 1985; a growth of $502,000 and 4 positions.  The additional positions will be allocated to the general counsel and director of facilities services in recognition of a rising volume of legal work reflecting the