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Galleries ($270,000), purchase of precast stone and partial replacement of the Renwick Gallery exterior stone facade ($600,000), continuation of fire detection and suppression work at the Museum of Natural History ($300,000), and continuation of handicapped repairs and improvements to the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden ($210,000). The most pressing needs to be addressed in the next several years will be the repair, replacement or improvement of heating, air conditioning, humidity control and ventilating systems; fire detection and suppression systems upgrading; and roof and exterior facade repairs and replacements. Other work will involve such projects as minor interior and exterior structural repairs, repairs to plumbing and sewer systems, upgrading of elevators and entrances, improvement of Suitland structures, periodic equipment repair and replacement programs, and particular planning and engineering studies needed for management and budget analysis.

[[underlined]] General Repairs and Improvements. [[/underlined]] Certain items of work do not lend themselves readily to discrete categorization, as well as emergency repairs such as equipment failures and unanticipated structural defects due to weathering and heavy use (about $100,000 to $200,000 will be requested annually for this purpose). Other items included in this grouping are sidewalk and access road repairs and improvements; interior repairs and alterations, including refinishing; attic and basement renovations and upgrading to acquire additional space for program activities; elevator and escalator repairs; and restoration of public and exhibition space. An amount of $762,000 is included in the Institution's FY 1980 appropriation request for these various purposes, and approximately $853,000 will be required for FY 1981. Also included in FY 1981 through 1985 projections is $50,000 for repairs and maintenance to buildings of the Museum of African Art. [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] / A total requirement of approximately $6,100,000 is anticipated for this planning period.

[[underlined]] Fire Detection and Suppression. [[/underlined]] Smoke and heat detection systems and fire suppression equipment are currently lacking or inadequate in many public, staff, and collection areas of the Institution's facilities. The most immediate needs are in the Natural History Building. Surveys and specialized consultant studies are being used to develop programs for upgrading all buildings. In addition to fire detection and suppression, attention is being directed to upgrading fire retardant material such as doors and other interior finishes, and existing sprinklers and other equipment.

Previously, the Institution projected that $760,000 would be required for these purposes in FY 1981 as opposed to the amount of $1,305,000 which is now included in the budget request for this year. This increased


[underlined]1[/underlined]/ The $350,000 for the Museum of African Art in FY 1980, as recommended by the House Appropriations Committee, is included under heading [[underlined]] Other Projects [[/underlined]] in the table appearing on page 108.