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[[underline]] Leased Space [[/underline]] 

Over the years the growth of collections, research, and education activities of the Institution has steadily reduced the space originally available in museums and other Smithsonian buildings for program and administrative purposes.  Consequently, the Institution has long relied upon rental space to alleviate crowded and inefficient space situations.

In the past, the Institution has consolidated its leased locations for increased efficiency, and currently occupies approximately 210,000 square feet, for administrative and support use at the Service Center on North Capitol Street and at L'Enfant Plaza.  At this time, no significant increase of rental space is anticipated over the next five years.  The staff increases outlined in the administrative and other sections of this prospectus could result in the need for additional off-Mall space.  However, the practice of reviewing space needs in conjunction with the budget process will continue, and, whenever possible, highest space priorities will be met through adjustments of use and allocation of existing space.  The Institution, as mentioned earlier, will continue to explore opportunities to acquire further downtown space, such as the old Tariff Commission Building, to fulfill long-term program commitments.

The Institution's rental program for administrative and support space is funded by federal appropriations and nonappropriated trust funds.  In FY 1979, these costs are expected to be approximately $917,000.  About $204,000 of trust funds will be applied to this cost as a direct charge to the Institution's revenue-producing auxiliary activities occupying Mall and leased space.  Additionally, about $190,000 of trust funds will be used to assist in the lease of space at L'Enfant Plaza.  Due to annual cost-of-living increases to existing leases, it is anticipated that along with the necessity to renegotiate the L'Enfant Plaza lease at the end of FY 1980, these rentals will cost the Institution approximately $1,149,000 in FY 1981.  An additional amount of $170,000 will be sought in the FY 1981 budget for this purpose, and the trust fund obligation will be increased by an estimated $96,000.  [[underline]]1[[/underline]]/

[[underline]]1[[/underline]]/ The balance of federal funds would be used to support rental increases sought by the General Services Administration for space at the Navy Yard Annex occupied by the Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center.