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About half of the increase allowed for Salaries and Expenses and now to be requested from Congress would cover necessary pay adjustments (not including FY 1978 increase); the remaining $1,100,000 would provide principally for additional scientific research including restoration of the research awards program to the FY 1977 level and support of original scientific research projects in such areas as whale studies and ecology. Some replacement funds for grants previously received from the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities were also provided for. Despite this OMB approved increase in the S&E allowance, it specified that no new positions were to be requested of Congress; thus new positions can only be filled by eliminating positions previously authorized and, generally at least, not yet filled.

OMB allowed $2.1 million for SSIE and indicated that the President's Reorganization Project will examine the Exchange next spring as part of a comprehensive review of the organization of science agencies. Pending this review, OMB saw no reason to transfer SSIE to a federal agency in FY 1979 or to convert its employees to federal status.

The full Foreign Currency request was allowed, as well as approximately 90% of the construction request, with cuts only in some lower priority items. The major items funded in the Construction accounts included the Great Ape Facility at the National Zoological Park ($3,000,000), fire detection equipment ($500,000) and the remaining planning funds for the proposed Museum Support Center ($575,000). OMB also indicated that it will support legislation authorizing the construction of the Support Center in FY 1978. 

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I'm not really sure if the page number needs to be included or the concerns regarding paragraphing. Answer: Yes, please include the page numbers. Thank you! - Smithsonian TC Team