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[[underlined]] Procedures for Administering Program Formerly in the Smithsonian Research Foundation [[/underlined]]

Programs previously administered by the Smithsonian Research Foundation for which new direct administrative procedures have been developed include the Research Awards Program, the Special Foreign Currency Program Research grants to Smithsonian scholars, the Academic Studies Program of pre- and post-doctoral fellowships to college and university applicants, and the Woodrow Wilson Center fellowships.

These new procedures, which conform with Federal personnel and procurement policies and regulations, take the form of direct awards to the fellows in  the case of the Academic Studies and Woodrow Wilson programs and allocations to parent bureaus and offices in the case of the Research Awards and Foreign Currency Programs.  The four offices managing these funds report that the new procedures are working very well.

Two problems in connection with the Research Awards Program will need to be solved for fiscal  year 1979 assuming continued Federal funding.  It will be essential to obtain a substantially higher travel authorization (this problem is not acute in fiscal year 1978 since at the beginning of the year there was an unexpended balance in the Foundation which could be applied to travel).  It is hoped that the Congress will recognize this need as it