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4.  Establishes a commission "which shall provide advice and assistance to the Board concerning the operation and development of the Museum. . .";

5.  Provides that the Commission shall originally consist of the present Trustees of the Museum, and shall thereafter be appointed by the Board of Regents;

6.  Provides for the appointment by the Board of Regents of a director and staff, and provides that present employees of the Museum shall be transferred to federal employment;

7.  Pledges the faith of the United States that the United States will provide such sums as may be necessary for the continuing operation of the Museum under the Smithsonian; and

8.  Authorizes appropriations of $1,000,000 for the first fiscal year of operation under the Smithsonian, and "such amounts as may be necessary for succeeding fiscal years. . .".

Except for the authority to accept the transfer, and the authorization of appropriations, the provisions of the Act are to take effect upon the date of the transfer to the Smithsonian.

Concurrent with the drafting of this legislation, Smithsonian staff have been discussing with the Director and the Trustees of the Museum the terms of an agreement between the Smithsonian and the Museum.  These discussions have resulted in a draft of such an agreement, and it is our opinion that both sides are in substantial agreement about the terms of the proposed transfer, including the right of the Smithsonian to dispose of some of the Museum's real estate.

When the legislation is introduced, the views of the Smithsonian will be sought by the appropriate Congressional committees and presumably by the Office of Management and Budget.  In view of