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[[underlined]]International Exchange Service[[/underlined]]

The Secretary reported that the Smithsonian's International Exchange Service (IES) is the official U. S. bureau responsible for distributing U. S. Government publications to foreign governments. In return, these governments agree to send IES similar publications for delivery to the Library of Congress. The implementing legislation for this responsibility is contained in 44 U.S.C. 1719. In addition to this statutory responsibility, the IES also distributes scientific and literary publications among learned institutions throughout the world.

Recently, the Deputy Librarian of Congress wrote to the Smithsonian Institution suggesting that it would be more efficient if the Government Printing Office distributed the U. S. Government publications that IES disseminates. The Deputy Librarian stated that the GPO Depository Library Program, which already serves some 1,200 domestic libraries, could easily accommodate the addition of 100 foreign addresses to the system. Discussions were held with officials of the Library of Congress and GPO to consider this proposal, and an interim agreement has now been concluded between the Smithsonian and the Government Printing Office. Effective December fourth the GPO assumed physical responsibility for the international exchange of Government documents for which it will be reimbursed an amount not to exceed $125,000, including an estimated $85,000 for services and $40,000 for