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Permanent Collection Purchases (cont'd)

[[4 column table]]
[[headings underlined]]
Artist | Sitter | Medium | Price

Amos Doolittle | John Davenport | engraving | 65.00

A. Radyclyffe Dugmore | Robert Edwin Peary | platinum gum print | 85.00

Asher B. Durand | Elias Boudinot | engraving | 65.00
 | W. H. Crawford | engraving | 25.00

Susan Macdowell Eakins (attrib.) | Thomas Eakins | platinum print | 3,000.00

R. Earlom | Thomas Pownall | mezzotint | 225.00

David Edwin | George Washington | engraving | 40.00

Endicott's Lith. Co. | Rev. Charles Follen | lithograph | 20.00

George Endicott & Moses Swett | Henry Clay | lithograph | 100.00

Walker Evans | Hart Crane | silver print| 550.00
 | self-portrait | gelatine silver print | 500.00

Benjamin Falk Studio | Cyrus W. Field | albumen silver print | 12.00

Samuel Fassett | Abraham Lincoln | salt print | 4,000.00

Charles Fenderich | Thomas Hart Benton | lithograph | 150.00
 | James Knox Polk | lithograph | 150.00

Robert Field | Alexander Hamilton | stipple & line engraving | 250.00
 | George Washington | engraving | 285,00

James Earle Fraser | Theodore Roosevelt | bronze | 1,750.00

S. S. Frizzell | James A Garfield and Family | lithograph | 35.00

Robert Fulton | Abraham Baldwin | pencil on paper | 500.00

Arnold Genthe | self-portrait | gelatine silver print | 200.00
 | John McCormick | gelatine silver print | 250.00
[[/4 column table]]