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Permanent Collection Purchases (cont'd)

[[4 column table]]
[[headings underlined]]
Artist | Sitter | Medium | Price 

Unidentified photographer | Horace Greeley | daguerreotype | $ 4,500.00 
   | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. | salt print | 250.00 
   | Sam Houston | salt print | 1,600.00 
   | James Barton Longacre | ambrotype | 25.00 
   | James Russell Lowell | salt print | 45.00 
   | Matthew Perry | daguerreotype | 4,000.00 
   | Franklin Pierce | salt print | 2,500.00 
   | William H. Seaward | daguerreotype | 4,500.00 
   | Lucy Stone | daguerreotype | 1,070.00 
   | Charles Sumner | albumen silver print | 10.00 
   | Roger B. Taney | salt print | 4,000.00 

Edward Valois | George Francis Train | lithograph w/tintstone | 350.00 

Carl Van Vechten | self-portrait | gelatine silver print | 200.00 

Samuel Lovett Waldo and William Jewett | Enoch Crosby | oil on wood panel | 15,000.00 

Sir Leslie Ward (Spy) | John Milton Hay | watercolor | 2,500.00 
   | Johh Milton Hay | chromolithograph | included in above price 

Caroline Watson | Benjamin West | stipple engraving | 15.00 

Benjamin West | self-portrait w/family | oil on canvas | 11,159.68 

Brett Weston | Edward Weston | gelatine silver print | 50.00 

Edward Weston | Langston Hughes | silver print | 1,300.00 

W.A. Wonderly (attrib.) | Andrew Johnson | salt print | 850.00 

Grant Wood | self-portrait | lithograph | 1,200.00 

Wynkoop Lith. Co. | Horace Greeley | lithograph w/tintstone | 20.00