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to about 40,000 addressees to determine the most effective promotion package and to establish a print order. The book could appear in print by October 1978.

Stemming from [[underlined]] The Smithsonian Experience[[/underlined]], two other books will be studied for feasibility. We will conduct a limited test in February to establish the Associates' level of interest in the subject of flight, looking toward a possible book on the National Air and Space Museum in 1980. In March we will conduct a full test for interest in a book on the research carried out by the Smithsonian naturalists around the world, a book for which much of the writing has already been done. The book has been tentatively titled [[underlined]]The Magnificent Foragers: In the Field with Smithsonian Naturalists[[/underlined]], and if the Regents concur, could appear in print in August 1978.

In view of the fact that a number of Regents have expressed concern about possible criticism for publishing such books and inter-fering with commercial publishers, Mr. Ripley reported that in each instance we had done research and arranged with commercial publishers to have a tie-in with them for non-mail order circulation.

Mr. Ripley stated that with the agreement of the Regents we will conduct a fuller test later. We plan to keep the Regents fully informed and by the May meeting should have a complete report on the test mailings and present the matter to the Regents for their approval.