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April 7, 1953

Dear Winslow:

Do have my very best thanks for your kind and so very interesting letter of March 30, which I found upon my return to town, and for your generosity in letting me study the group of photographs it was so good of you to send.

I have had some of them photostated and am returning herein the whole group of thirteen as well as the list sent by Marlborough, London.

Besides the impressive Gericault I am much interested in the Desprez whom I do not know, and of course in the Caron drawing. I remember seeing it I believe in Paris, but do not recall whether it was signed, as I think you told me it was.

However, it is so very close to my own that I have less and less doubt that the latter is actually the work of this artist, the more so as meanwhile I have also seen a book with reproductions of etchings after Caron's works, and where the same type of horses with very small heads appear.

Your comments on Oh, Fickle Taste, are you realize much appreciated. Writers are indeed susceptible to flattery........

You will realize in this connection that I alluded to the hope you would be reviewing it in one of the art magazines, and trust that this will be possible.

It is not so much as you know, a matter of complimentary remarks but to have the comments of an unbiased party and at least one who like you will have gone to the trouble of reading the whole book.

It was indeed a great pleasure for me to have had you for dinner and how very quickly the evening went by, but may I add that my wife was very sorry to have missed you.

As I told you we will have to repeat this very soon, and in the company of Mrs. Ames I hope.

With kind regards,


Germain Seligman

Mr. Winslow Ames
1349 Washington Avenue
Springfield 2,
