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September 4th., 1946.

Dear Me. Rheims:

A few weeks ago you received through the good care of my brother, Francois Gerard Seligmann, a certain number of items which you will sell at auction this autumn.

It is my understanding that you will sell the items which have no artistic merit whatsoever, separately from the others. However before proceeding I would like you to be good enough to send me by Air Mail, to the above address, the [[underline]] descriptions as you intend having them in your catalogue,of the works of art and paintings which have an artistic value.[[/underline]] By the same token I would be obliged to you for telling me which ones are going to be reproduced, as well as the dates at which this auction will take place.

I would like you to turn over the proceeds of the auction to Colonel René Fulda, 49 rue Vineuse, Paris, but at the same time I would like to have a copy of the "bordereau" with indications of the selling prices of the individual items.

Thanking you in anticipation for attending to these different matters,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Maître Rheims, Commissaire Priseur
48 rue Lafitte,
Paris, France.