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-5- ^[[ 12 ]] 

371 | KANN Maurice | Paris, 9 Juin 1910 coll. de tableaux ^[[ }63 ]] 
338 | " "[[ditto for KANN Maurice]] | "[[ditto for Paris]] December 1910 "[[ditto for coll.]] obj. d'art (2 vol.) ^[[ }63 ]] 

3098 | KANN Rodolphe | collection de tableaux (2 vol.) ^[[ }64 ]] 
 | " "[[ditto for KANN Rodolphe]] | "[[ditto for collection]] d'objects d'Art (2 vol.) ^[[ }64 ]] 

829 | KAUFMANN Richard von | Berlin 1901 Gemalde ^[[ 65 ]] 

^[[ 45 ]] 1359 | KOECHLIN Raymond | 1900 Les Ivoires Gothiques francais Parfumerie 

1333  Kreuzenstein Chateau de Autriche | collection Wilczek ^[[ 66 ]] 

^[[ "?" ]] 198 | LAFOND Paul ^[[KdK?]] | "Goya" 

^[[home]] 565 | LAMI Eugene | Paris 1914 Paul Andre Lemon 

^[[ 51{ ]] 376 | "[[ditto for LAMI]] Stanislas | Les Sculptures francaises au XVIII˚ s. 
^[[ 51{ ]] 377 | " "[[ditto for LAMI Stanislas]] | " " " " "[[ditto for Les Sculptures francaises au XVIII˚ s.]]

^[[ 52 ]] 3178 | LAVALLEE - dessins francais du XVIII˚ siecle

^[[checkmark]] 1530 | LEHMAM (2 vol.) | Paris, Juin 1925 I.II.III˚ parties ^[[ 67 ]] ^[[WE HAVE 1 VOL PARTIE]]

^[[checkmark]] 3173 | LIECHTENSTEIN | Vienne collection & catalogue ^[[YOU HAVE LIECHTENSTEIN CAT. AMONG THE BOOKS THAT WERE SENT TO V. IS.]]
1858 | "[[ditto for LIECHTENSTEIN]] | "[[ditto for Vienne]] Gemaelde Gallerie ^[[ 68 ]] 

513 | Loan Exhibition of | 1914 Pierpont Morgan Collection 
1392 | " " "[[ditto for Loan Exhibition of]] | " " "[[ditto for Pierpont Morgan Collection]]
342 | " " "[[ditto for Loan Exhibition of]] | " " "[[ditto for Pierpont Morgan Collection]]

^[[ 56- ]] 1742 | LUGT Fritz | "Marques des Collections de dessins & estampes" 

481 | LYDIG Rita | New York 1913 collection ^[[ 69 ]] 

^[[checkmark]] 2416 | Clarence MACKAY - Italian paintings by Valentiner ^[[ 70 ]] 

355 | MANNHEIM | 1911 collection ^[[ }71 ]] 
484 | "[[ditto for MANNHEIM]] | 1913 succession ^[[ }71 ]] 

^[[checkmark]] 1034 | MANZI | Mars 1919 collection (vente I & 2) ^[[WE HAVE 1 VOL (VENTE 1)]] 
1085 | "[[ditto for MANZI]] | Decembre 1919 "[[ditto for collection]] (vente 3) ^[[ 72 ]] 

648 | MARMONTEL | Paris, Mars 1898 tableaux ^[[ "?" ]]

^[[ 60 ]] 1246 | MARQUET DE VASSELOT | Emaux Limousins 

101 | MATHILDE Princesse | Paris, 1904 ^[[ 73 ]] 
106 | " "[[ditto for MATHILDE Princesse]] | " "[[ditto for Paris, 1904]]

^[[ "?" ]] 136 | Mémoires de Madame VIGEE LEBRUN 

1152 | METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART New York | 50th Anniversary Exhibition 
1313 | " " " " "[[ditto for METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART New York]] | Bulletin of 

1532 | MICHEL LEVY | Juin 1925 collection ^[[ 74 ]] 

^[[ 76 ]] 3136 | MIKHAILOVITCH Nicolas (5 vol.) | collection 

8 | MILLER VOM AICHHOLTZ | Paris, 1900 (Vienne) ^[[ dup ]] 

^[[ 28- ]] 3186 | Miniatures flamandes au temps de la Cour de Bourgogne, par P. Darrieu