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December 7th, 1938

Dear Mr. Shapiro:

Following our conversation the other day regarding the Courbet, "Burial at Ornans" I have run across a drawing which I am sure must be known to you and which is reproduced on page 47 of Leger's book on this master. This should be of some help to you in your problem.

In addition to this, I have ascertained that two or three years ago a very fine oil sketch for this painting was sold at auction in London, having been owned privately in England. I am unable at the present writing to give you the whereabouts of the picture or even to tell you exactly the name of the that sale it was in -- otherwise, it would be a relatively simple matter to look this up. However, should I find out anything further, I will be very glad to let you know.

The sketch measuring approximately 36 inches high by 24 inches wide, represents only one part of the painting; namely, the choir boys and, I believe, the church dignitary who holds the cross on high. It was reported to me that this sketch is extremely fine in quality and very beautiful in its concept.

I trust that all the above, although not as complete as it might be, will, nevertheless, prove of interest and of worth to you.

I enjoyed talking to you the other day so much and showing you some of our pictures, and I do hope that we may be able to repeat this pleasant experience more often in the future.

With kindest regards,

Believe me to be

Yours sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

Meyer Shapiro, Esq.
Fine Arts Department
Columbia University
New York, New York
