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South Londonderry,
Vermont, June 23, 1943

Dear Mr. Seligmann,

Thank you very much for sending me the photograph of the fine Seurat drawing. I am delighted to have it. I wish I could tell you something definite about it, but I do not recall similar figures in any of the paintings.  It reminds me of some of the drawings for the "Grande Jatte", and may be placed probably around 1885.  When I am back in New York, I shall be able to compare it with reproductions and other drawings and perhaps locate it more precisely.

I must apologize to you for not having come to see you, as I had promised.  It was not due to my work at Columbia - I was on leave last term - but to my own studies at home and to family responsibilities which made it difficult for me to go out.  I hope to call on you when I return in September.

With many thanks,

Sincerely yours,

Meyer Schapiro