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December 28th., 1946

Dear Mr. Schapiro:

As you know I have been working for quite some time on a book of drawings by Seurat, and at last it has appeared.

Knowing of your interest, I thought you might like to have a copy which I am taking the liberty of sending you by same mail with my compliments.

I have felt for quite a while that irrespective of the importance of these drawings aesthetically speaking and of their technical perfection, the artist would remain little understood were he to be judged but by his paintings.

You may not agree, of course, with several of the theories I emit, but I hope nevertheless you may enjoy perusing it.

With personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Meyer Schapiro
279 West 4th., St.
New York 14, N.Y.
