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Lexington N.C. 17 Dec^r 1867
Gen'l O O Howard

Dear Sir

Permit me in answer to numerous Colored People in this County, to present you with a Petition, gotten up by themselves, in their own style, Handwriting &c, the contents however I hope will be none the less deserving your notice; They requested me to transcribe tho whole, and put it in a more businesslike manner but I preferred sending it in its original style and let you draw your own inferences.

These people not only speak their own sentiments & feelings, but they speak for other counties of the District, and I believe they fully express the matter in its true light, and I hereby heartily endorse every word they say.

I Remain
Dear Sir
With due Respect
A. Adams

Dear Gen'l

Allow me to say that the above, with the accompanying petition is no exaggeration, for I have witnessed enough to satisfy me that the salvation of the colored race in a pecuniary point of view depends materially upon the continuance of the Freedmans Bureau

I have the honor
to be Yours &c
H. [[S?]]. Watson

Transcription Notes:
added "&c" [[etcetera]] after "to be Yours" of Watson's signature