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Col. Jas. V. Bomford
Actg. Asst Comr
Jacob F Chur
Bt. Lt. Col & A A A G.
E B p. 72.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen
Office Supt East Dist
New Berne Dec 21 /66

Respectfully forwarded to Lieut G. Hawley Asst Supt for investigation and report
Stephen Moore
Lt Col VRC Supt

E. B. 180

Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Office Asst Supt Sub Dist of Winton 
Murfreesboro N.C. Dec 26" 1866

Respectfully returned to Lt Col Stephen Moore. Supt. with information that the woman Elsie Baker or Vaughn made complaint to me of the bonding out of her boy by the Co Court of Hertford Co.  I referred her to the court for redress, giving her to understand that I should use my best endeavors to procure the rescinding of the indenture.  I know nothing against the character of the woman, but was not favorably impressed with her appearance.  The case would have been reported from this office after the action of the court was ascertained to have been unfavorable to the wishes of the mother.

Geo. S. Hawl[[ey]] 
E. B. [[?]] 

Transcription Notes:
Probably Geo. S. Hawley