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Murfreesboro, N.C.
Dec 11th, 1866.

General O.O. Howard,
Commissioner Bureau F.R. & A. Lands,
War Dept, Washington, D.C.


Elsie Vaughan (or Baker) freedwoman, former slave of Henry Baker of this (Hertford) County, alleges that, on the night of Dec. 3d inst., David and James Baker, two sons of Henry Baker aforesaid, came to her house and forcibly took away her only living child, a boy, Frank Williams by name, aged about six years. She desires to regain the custody of this child, which she says she is able to support comfortably. The child is said to have been bound out to Baker, her former master, by the County Court; but the mother alleges that she never gave her consent thereto.

There are respectable colored witnesses to corrobborate the statements made by this freedwoman, and, at her & their desire, I respectfully forward this complaint.

I am, General,
Very respectfully
Your obdt servt.
C.H. Foster.