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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Officer Supt East Dist
New Berne April 20/67

Respectfully forwarded to Lt Col J. Chur A.A.A.G. with the recommendation that the within named indenture be cancelled

A.W. Bolenius
Capt VRC & Bvt Maj USV
Actg Superintendent

Union Hertford Co. N.C.
April 10" 1867

Baker. Henry I. (white)
Elsie Baker a (Vaughn.) freedwoman.

Make application for the cancelling if Indenture of Apprenticeship in the case of Frank Williams, son of Elsie Baker. bound to Henry I. Baker.

Bureau Ref. F. & AL,
Office Asst Supt Sub Dist of Winton
Murfreesboro N.C. April 11" 67

Respectfully forwarded for the action of the Asst Comd N.C. Inasmuch as Henry D Baker to whom the freed boy Frank Williams is apprenticed, applies for the cancellation of said indenture. The cancellation is herewith recommended.

Geo. S. Hawley
1st Lt VRC &
Asst Supt

E.B. C.5