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No. (Bu. R.,F. and A.L, N.C.) Vol., 1867. 

EB p 227

Bureau R.F. and A.L 
Head Qrs. Asst. Comr. 
Raleigh May 6" 67

Respectfully returned to Lieut Col. Stephen Moore. The indenture it is presumed was made by the Court and must therefore be cancelled by the Court.
By Order Col. Nelson A. Miles 
Jacob F. Chur 
Bt Lt Col. and A.A.A.G.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c 
Office Supt East Dist 
New Berne May 10- 67

Respectfully returned to Lieut G.S. Hawley Asst Supt 
attention called to endorsement of Asst Comr - dated May 6th 1867

Stephen Moore 
Lieut Col VRC Supt

EB. p15 Vol. 2

Bureau Ref. F. & AL.
Office Asst Supt Sub dist Winton
Murfreesboro N.C. May 26- 67

Respectfully returned to Lt Col S Moore. Supt. The freed boy Frank Williams