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Bu R F & A L
Hd Qrs Asst Comr N.C.
Raleigh Jan 20 1866

Respectfully referred to Col M. Cogswell Supt Cent Dist Who will cause an investigation of this case to be made and measures taken as will protect the interests of the freedmen — 

By order of Col J V Bomford
Actg Asst Comr
F A Seely
Bvt Maj & A.A.A.G.

E.B. p. 98.

Recd Hd Qrs Cen. Dist Jan 21" 1867

Bu. R. F. & A. L.
Office Supt. Cen. Dist
Raleigh Jan 22"/67

Respectfully refered to Bvt. Capt J.F. Curren — who will take immediate action in this case & report the same to these Hd Qrs.

M. Cogswell
Maj 8" Infty Bvt. Col. & Supt

E. B. p 34—Vol 2

Rec^d Hd Qrs Sub dist Johnston
Jany 25th/67

L.R. p 2.  

Transcription Notes:
J V Bomford, not Jno J F Curren, not J F Chur